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Ashlyn is a naturally warm and friendly person. People around her will feel very comfortable to interact and work with her. She truly loves what she does. Hence, you will feel her passion and enthusiasm radiating from within. Most importantly, as a real estate professional, she firmly believes in being sincere, trustworthy and having strong work ethics.

Ashlyn developed a solid customer service background due to her previous stints in the hotel, airline and consumer industries. She is service-oriented and able to connect with her clients well. In addition, through managing her family’s properties for more than 10 years, she gained first-hand experience of being an owner, an investor and landlord of various properties herself. These will come in useful and crucial when serving clients with various real estate needs.

Always putting her clients’ interests first, you can be assured that she’ll do her very best for you & serve with her heart ♥️

Please feel free to contact her for a chat on all your property needs. Thank you and wishing you a good day ahead! 🙂

Hello, I am

Ashlyn Peh


CEA NO.: R059953D

Affordability Calculator

Using this calculator to estimate the max property price you can afford and the max amount of bank loan you can borrow.


Estimated Property you can afford:

Estimated Property you can afford:
S$ 0.00 / month
-- --

Estimated loan you can borrow:

Estimated loan you can borrow:
S$ 0.00

Talk to us to learn more about the projects available and a comprehensive computation that covers your safety net.

Compare the Best Mortgage Home Loan Rates Available in Singapore

Assess home loan interest rates from various banks to make an informed decision when buying building-under-construction (BUC) property. Using $1.5m as the loan package.

S$ 4,927 / month

@ 3.92% Sora, 1st year

S$ 4,941 / month

@ 3.94% Sora, 1st year

S$ 4,974 / month

@ 3.99% Sora, 1st year

S$ 4,974 / month

@ 3.99% Sora, 1st year

S$ 4,974 / month

@ 3.99% Sora, 1st year

S$ 5,008 / month

@ 4.04% Sora, 1st year

Find Your Property Resale Value!

Find your property resale value! Key in your home address and browse through the recent past transactions Have an estimation of how much your home could probably fetch.

Once you've engaged Ashlyn Peh, it is almost considered SOLD!

No transaction found

Explore Your Options, Contact Us to Find Out More!

Singapore's real estate market is booming with new residential developments across the island, offering a range of exciting options for potential homeowners. Contact Us for Expert Real Estate Guidance and Support.

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